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Are you feeling unsure about your pricing strategy and pricing decisions?

Set Your Price: A Step-by-Step Pricing Strategy is the Ultimate pricing course to learn how to set your price.

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In this Step-by-Step Pricing Strategy course you'll learn:


Fundamentals of pricing

Understanding the fundamentals of pricing is crucial because it directly impacts profitability. Proper pricing ensures you cover costs, generate revenue, and remain competitive in the market. Additionally, it helps establish perceived value, which can influence customer perceptions and purchasing decisions, ultimately contributing to business success.


Calculating costs 

Knowing your costs helps set a pricing strategy that covers expenses while allowing for a profit margin. Failure to accurately calculate costs can lead to underpricing, resulting in losses, or overpricing, potentially driving away customers, making cost calculation an essential component of business viability and growth.


Analyzing market trends and understanding customer perception

Analyzing market trends and understanding customer perception in pricing is crucial  because it enables  competitive and responsive pricing. Market trends provide insights into what customers are willing to pay and how competitors are pricing similar products or services. Understanding customer perception helps align pricing with perceived value, increasing the likelihood of attracting and retaining customers, which is essential for a successful growth.

Let's take a look at what's inside

Module 1: Introduction to Pricing 

  • Understanding the Importance of Pricing
  • Key Pricing Concepts and Terminology
  • The Role of Pricing in Business Strategy

Module 2: Pricing Strategy Development

  • Identifying Your Pricing Objectives
  • Defining Your Target Market
  • Choosing the Right Pricing Approach

Module 3: Calculating Costs and Profit Margins

  • Cost Components and Costing Methods
  • Breakeven Analysis and Margin Calculation
  • Pricing for Profitability

Module 4: Market Analysis and Competitor Benchmarking

  • Conducting Market Research
  • Analyzing Market Trends and Dynamics
  • Benchmarking Against Competitors

Module 5: Customer Perception and Value Proposition

  • Understanding Customer Behavior
  • Evaluating Customer Perceptions of Value
  • Creating a Value-Based Pricing Strategy

Module 6: Setting the Right Price

  • Pricing Models and Strategies
  • Price Optimization Techniques
  • Balancing Profit and Customer Value

Module 7: Pricing Strategy Implementation

  • Communicating Price Changes Effectively
  • Handling Pricing Objections
  • Managing Pricing Strategy Challenges

Module 8: Framework for Pricing Strategy Transformation

  • Evaluating and Adapting Your Pricing Strategy
  • Implementing Pricing Strategy Changes
  • Measuring and Monitoring Pricing Performance

A Note From Marika Päiväniemi,
your Pricing Expert

Struggling to price your products and services? Unsure if you're leaving profits on the table or overpricing customers out the door? Pricing decisions directly impact your profit margins, yet most entrepreneurs do not set prices based on knowledge and data. 

Learn practical tools and techniques to set competitive, profit-optimizing prices tailored to your customers’ perceived value. Understand how to confidently pick the best pricing strategy for your business model and industry.

This course helps you to grow sales and profitability through smart pricing decisions. Join us and invest in developing your pricing competence today!

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What's Included


#1- Basic pricing knowledge

Interactive learning modules and real-life examples will guide you to the fundamentals of pricing. 

#2- A framework for choosing your pricing strategy

As a step-by-step guide, the course will assist you in evaluating your current pricing strategy or, if you are about to start your business, choosing the right strategy. 

#3- Personal feedback on your pricing 

At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to get personal feedback on your pricing strategy. All the information shared is 100% confidential!

The Result?

By taking this course, you can expect to achieve tangible results such as increased profitability, enhanced market competitiveness, and a more effective alignment between your pricing strategy and your business goals. 

With practical tools and techniques at your disposal, this step-by-step guide will empower you to confidently set competitive prices for your products or services, whether you're evaluating your current pricing strategy or starting a new business.

The Result? 

By taking this course, you can expect to achieve tangible results such as increased profitability, enhanced market competitiveness, and a more effective alignment between your pricing strategy and your business goals. 

With practical tools and techniques at your disposal, this step-by-step guide will empower you to confidently set competitive prices for your products or services, whether you're evaluating your current pricing strategy or starting a new business.

How do I know if I'm ready?

Perfect for you if:

  • You're feeling unsure about your pricing strategy and pricing decisions
  • You're a business owner or you're planning to start your own business
  • You want to learn the basic pricing concepts
  • You want to evaluate if your pricing is optimal
  • You lack knowledge in pricing

Not for you if:

  • You require advanced pricing strategies and techniques beyond the basics, a more advanced course may be more suitable
  • You are not able to dedicate the time required
  • You prefer other learning styles than independet studying, such as personal coaching, ask us for other options!
  • You aren't ready to take the necessary steps to move your business to the next level
I'm Ready

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The Ultimate pricing course to learn how to set your price

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Yours Today!

349 €

One time payment

  • 8 interactive modules

  • Basic pricing knowledge

  • Choosing a pricing strategy
  • Setting the right price

  • Personal feedback



Yes! A 100% Money Back Guarantee

This product has a 30 day money back guarantee. If you work through the first few modules of this course and are not completely satisfied we will refund your money. 

Pricing course money back guarantee

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